Hotel rate monitoring for smart hoteliers
Track the room rates of all of your hotel competitors
Start a 15-days trial for $15
Why should I monitor the hotel rates of my competitors?
Monitoring your local hotel rates can help you stay on top of sudden price drops, and better anticipate your booking numbers.
It will help you gain an in-depth overview of what is happening in your local market.
You will spend less time in manual price comparison, and more time in price analysis and revenue management.
Effortlessly stay on top of hotel price changes
What makes our hotel rate monitoring service unique
Instant activation
Your account goes live as soon as you sign up.
No setup fee
We don't charge any onboarding or setup fees.
No long-term contracts
You have the freedom to upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time. There are no lengthy contracts and no early cancellation fees.
Live chat support
Whenever you need help, our support team is a quick chat or email away.
Why hotel rate monitoring
Are you struggling to tie together the ever-changing rates from various channels?
Do you waste valuable hours on manual price comparison rather than performing price analysis?
Our hotel rate monitoring service makes the pricing-decision process easier and quicker.
Price tracker
Track hotel rates live from a variety of sources
Hotel price history
Track how hotel room prices change over time
Hotel price drops
Get early notification when a sudden price drop occurs
Revenue management
Effortlessly perform revenue management with the right data
Sign up to the Premium plan of our rate shopping platform to access our industry leading hotel rate monitoring. The service lets you track room rates between different OTAs from across the Internet.
You can track the hotel rates of your own hotel as well as the rates of your competitors.
The room matching engine lets you check rates between different room types.